Guatemala - Casa Bernabe – Javesca Coffee Roasters

Guatemala - Casa Bernabe

Sale price Price $16.00 Regular price

50% Antigua + 50% Huehue = 100% Guatemalan

On top of Javesca's 4 meals per bag, this coffee provides an additional

$4/bag to Casa Bernabe Orphanange.

This is where it all started...

Over 15 years ago on a mission trip to Casa Bernabe Orphanage in Guatemala we fell in love with coffee and the Guatemalan people.  We are excited to give back in Guatemala and have this special blend of Antigua and Huehuetenango Guatemalan coffees to provide financial resource directly to Casa Bernabe Orphanage.


Each bag will provide opportunities for kids to get an education, experience the love of Christ, and have a chance at a successful future!


**We recommend using whole bean coffee for maximum shelf life, but if you select "Ground" below we will grind orders for standard home drip coffee machines.**

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